June 7, 2024
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While man is homo sapiens, man is also homo viator, man “on the way” with our final end being the heavenly homeland. The trip started at Chicago, crossed Canada, the great ocean of the Atlantic, the British Isles, and finally to Amsterdam. We still had further to go to arrive. We took another flight and arrived at Florence. Along the way, there were moments where some would encourage others that the flight was almost over. There were some who needed more encouragement than others but, nevertheless, there was always a brother at the ready to offer a word of encouragement.

Just like our own journey to the heavenly homeland, we encourage each other, whether with a word or a kind deed, always helping the other reach that goal at the acquisition of which, all past struggles seem to fade from the memory. Arriving at Florence, seeing the welcoming Sisters, seeing the city, and enjoying the great cuisine, all past struggle dissolved. We had arrived. And our journey, shoulder to shoulder, with the strength of Christ, continues.

Arturo Escobedo
Diocese of Brownsville