The Bishops Advisory Board, faculty, and staff of The Rome Experience are pleased to announce the seminarians who will be participating in our 2025 program: Todd Ashburn Diocese of Madison […]
It isn’t hard to find beauty in Rome. Walk down any street, and you doubtlessly will find a fountain, piazza, or façade that catches your eye. Open the door of […]
Congratulations to our newly ordained alumni! May Christ’s light shine through you, guiding your path and touching the hearts of those to whom you minister. Rev. César Garcia ’22 Diocese […]
My reflection begins with the Servants of God: Fr. Willie Doyle and Chiara, two people that I fell in love in with on The Rome Experience. I was reminded how […]
Joshua Wright’s Top 5 5. St. Paul’s Outside the Walls Of all the beautiful churches in Rome, my favorite church is St. Paul’s Outside the Wall. St. Paul is one […]
Just like that, the Rome portion of the program has come to a close! Catch up on some Rome highlights from Charles Wiedenmann: The past week was unique in both […]
Location, Location, Location: Why Limitations Matter for the Spiritual Life “What’s been the best part about Rome?” someone recently asked me. I later replied that it was praying at the […]
Top 5 Highlights of the Week 1. Classes at Santa Croce This week, the seminarians took a course on sacred art with Professor John Noronha. We learned about the symbolism […]
This week represented the beginning of our 2nd half of the Rome Experience. It is perhaps natural at the halfway point to reflect on all that we’ve encountered and how […]
Week 3 Highlights 1. Vatican Museums: My favorite part of this trip was visiting the Sistine Chapel. It was absolutely surreal to be standing in the very spot where so […]
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) There we were in front of the tomb of St. Peter as we celebrated the Most Holy Sacrifice […]