Postcards from the Class of 2015

June 16, 2015
  • martinvublogpost

June 7-13, 2015
by Martin Vu (Diocese of Orange)

From the Latin obedire – to listen, to give ear.

Fr. Eric’s homily on the morning of June 11, 2015 focused on the witness of St. Barnabas, particularly his witness to obedience, mimicking in a spiritual way Christ’s “death, death on a cross” (Phil 2:8).

He says that in life, we sometimes react against what we may consider to be nagging inconveniences or petty rules.

However, it is in the endurance of and obedience to these very rules that we find perfect freedom, the freedom that comes through detachment from our own ego and our own will.

When done out of love, love for Our Lord Jesus Christ, the “yoke is easy…[the] burden is light.” (Matt 11:30). And with a smile on our face, we carry those little crosses, which in the supreme paradox, leads us to the life of blessedness.