Faith, Hope, and Love | Reflections from Rome 2021

June 16, 2021
  • praying at tomb

Rome is overwhelming. The city is rich in history, there is a beautiful church on every corner, Vatican City is the heart of Christendom, and the culinary scene is fantastic. I thank God for the incredible blessing it is to be here, to study here, to pray here. Yet, one could be surrounded by all this beauty, all the delicious food, and the history, and not grow in the interior life. You can fill your eyes, your stomach, and your schedule without filling the soul. The true gift of being here comes from growing deeper in love with Jesus. My faith is strengthened by praying with the saints and martyrs, our forefathers, who have all enriched the Church by giving all for the love of Christ. And being surrounded by holy men and women, the cloud of witnesses, gives me great hope to press on, to live and love in the Lord for yet another day. The time spent in prayer and the time spent in the classroom with incredible teachers helps me to grow in my spiritual life. This is what makes the Rome Experience a great success, to help seminarians like me to grow deeper in love with Jesus and with His Church.

John Grusenmeyer
Archdiocese of Cincinnati